Category: Kindness


Being polite is so rare these days

For both male and female. You say hi they think you want them.etc The mind is a terrible thing to waste. ~ Lyn Brown-Mims It’s definitely a rare thing. People are too lazy to act the right way, or they think you’re hitting on them because they aren’t used to …
Kindness Peace

Kindness is like snow

Be kind any time that one time you were kind and thought you were being used could turn around that person and they could be kind to another. ~ Wayne John Stone Kindness means being nice to people even when you don’t have to. I consider it one of the …
Kindness Peace

How beautiful it is to stay silent?

I prayed this: “Father, You are Lord over my emotions, my entire being. Give me the gift of patience and self-control that I may always choose to love above proving myself right.” ~ Gel Romero When you can keep your emotions in check when others are trying to push your …
Gratitude Kindness

No matter how big your bank account is

Nothing is more important is your health when you are alive. To have this precious life we try to purify our soul to be loving kindness & compassion and to be kind to one another. ~ Gabriel Chiam  We all come with nothing and leave this world with nothing. It is …