Tag: right

Friendship Life

When you meet the right person in life

That’s how I felt about my husband once I met him I knew I would be with him forever. The Lord took him away. I miss him more than words can say. I love you sunshine. ~ Mary Schweigert  You met 10 persons & you always love that one person who doesn’t …
Life Wisdom

When the right things starts happening in your life

There are wrong people. Abusers, whether they are emotional, physical or sexual. I personally do not feel they have anything positive to teach you, other than needing years of therapy afterwards, then you can share your wisdom to help someone else who maybe going through the same misery/despair you went …

How to know whether you are on the right track in life?

Looking back is the past look ahead to the future. You cannot change the past. Past is past focus for the future to become efficient in everyday lives. Cherish the good memories, learn from the bad ones, but keep moving forward.  How you create the present is important, it is …