Category: Yourself

Love Yourself

In the end you will know who really love you

When things get hard you find out what people are really like. ~ Pam Elms  When you are going through hard times, you will know who actually cares for you. We should take the risk to be real and let others in. I have found the world is full of amazing …
Life People Yourself

In the end people will judge you anyway

If someone takes it the wrong way let them. We know who we are. I always tell my son that only apologize if you are wrong. This area is the worst for that. ~ Patricia White  Don’t live to impress anyone. Many are unhappy with how they look and feel about …
Forgiveness Good Heart Yourself

Those people who betrayed you

More often good hearted person were taken for granted. Good hearts rarely see the bad. It’s good to have a good heart. You have to take your time and watch people. Make sure they are genuine and have a big heart as well. ~ Joi Caprice  The Lord is the answer …