Category: Good

Care Good Heart Relationship

It’s better to have nobody

It’s better to be yourself and have no friends than to be like your friends and have no self. Don’t do it. If he’s not into you, doesn’t respect you, make time for you. Move on! Don’t waste your time. It really affects your self-esteem and confidence when you intuitively/instinctually …
Good Life People

Removing some people out of your Life

The root of the issue comes from having too many that you cannot realistically give proper attention to. So, where should attention and focus go? To those you care about and share interest(s) with. Life is short; people we know and care about rely upon us, as we do them. …
Good Yourself

You can’t be good enough for everybody

Always take care of yourself. You are the most important person. When you get sick, down, need a shoulder, need someone just to listen, when your depressed just when you need someone you will find out who truly loves you. ~ Michelle Phillips If we have to be good enough for …
Good Life Yourself

Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you

People who you think care really don’t. You have to think about yourself. Doing what’s best for me is ultimately best for others too. We need to develop ourselves first before other and when we achieve our aim in life, there we can help others. ~ Mavie Goyal Be good to yourself, …
Feelings Good Perseverance

No matter how Good or Bad you Feel

Commit to focus & just do it. Your mind will lead you, just motivate your body to follow.  Some days you just need to rest and try to gather yourself. In my opinion that’s good too. Constant pain exhausts you. Don’t beat yourself up! ~ Jan Delaney I love dressing up …
Good Positive

There’s something good in every day

Attitude is everything. The power of positive thinking is awesome. Even in a worst event, there’s always something positive in it. If you believe that the events in your life will ultimately serve you in a positive way somehow, somewhere, even what you would typically call “a negative event” will …