Category: Wisdom

Change Wisdom Yourself

Never change your originality

Everybody who has entered this earth’s journey is a unique soul carrying something within him from previous incarnations making him quite exclusive. There is nobody in this world like him. You are original piece. Don’t try to imitate others. Keep your originality. Don’t ever allow yourself to think you are …
Life Love People Wisdom

Love straight forward people

Straight forward people are always better than those who think one, speak another and do something else. ~ Aditya Kumar  Love straight forward even if they are mean because I know what to do with honesty information. ~ Elizabeth Walsh Megna  
Lesson Learned Wisdom

Nothing will be the same in a year

So much has changed just in 1 year, even 6 months, but we grow to be better people and accept change. It’s a chance to grow & be better this time around! ~ Leona Waldie  Don’t stress about things or toxic people chances are they won’t be in your life in …