Tag: heart

Giving Good Heart Hurt Love Trust

When you have a good Heart

Don’t let the world get you down, rejoice in your joy. People with big hearts sometimes get off guard and don’t see the bad in people. If you truly have a big heart, it is full with joy and too busy being happy than to be brought down with negativity. …
Belief Faith Heart

If it’s meant to be, it will be

Heart is the only machine of the universe that speaks truth. It’s amazing how two hearts can be reunited and usually by following your passion. ~ Belinda Crawford  Sometimes it’s best to close one door so another will open. My heart is leading me in the right direction but my brain …
Family Heart Respect

You should never sacrifice three things

Never sacrifice anyone else for selfish gain. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your heart and dignity for your family. They just don’t get you. Time will heal. ~ Ev Sherriffs Being faithful to your spouse. Don’t fall for someone else. You’ll be happy to love so truly, live a dignified life …
Care Giving Heart Trust

Never Cheat the one who Trusts you

Never misuse people. Don’t make yourself so busy that you can never help others. Never cheat anyone, ever. Remember others as you want to be remembered. Say ‘Busy’, may be the best excuse to avoid someone. ~ Kitty Yeo  I said busy to the one who needed me and have regretted …