Tag: life

Friendship Lesson Learned Trust

When you completely trust someone

If you learn “A lesson for Life” keep it to that specific situation. Don’t take that luggage with you to another relationship. Give yourself time to heal. ~ Ed Skinner You can rely on a human being, or depend on someone, or share with someone. When you put your trust in …
Gratitude Life Time

Time is like a River

The water will never pass the same place again. However, with water you can get up, move downstream, and indeed touch the same water again. Maybe someday we will understand time well enough to do the same thing. ~ John Sill  Life goes by faster than we think. Don’t let time …
Happiness Life Worry Yourself

Live Life without stress and worries

Happiness is all about perspective. To be happy is to be at peace within yourself and live day to day in the now enjoying our family and health, that’s my happiness. Follow three rules “Don’t criticise; Don’t Compare & Don’t Complain” in your life. Happiness is the greatest gift in …
God Gratitude Inspiration Life

Pray not because you need something

For whatever you have and for whoever you are, pray. Wave of gratitude made a wonderful ocean in our heart. ~ Florentina Anghel  Attitude of Gratitude draws more goodness within. Thank Lord for everything you have in your life.  If you are going to ask for something be sure you first …