Tag: respect

Love Respect Yourself

If you aren’t being treated with Love & Respect

Remember anything created has a Creator, anything designed has a Designer. You are special and peculiar, you are damn precious to waste away. ~ Faith Udochi  Even if our price tags is high there are still mean people around us that ready to annoy and bully us. ~ Elsie Flores  I’ll never settle …
Feelings Respect

Never waste your feelings on people

Some people are very abusive and harmful to your body and spirit. The best recourse is to value yourself and your own feelings and choose to remove yourself from the situation or in some cases from their company. Value yourself enough to tell them to move on out of your …
People Respect

Treat people the way you want to be treated

If you want to be respected by your community, be known for a person of good character, treat people well and speak to them in such a way that you would want to be spoken to. (Being polite and kind to people is another matter) To respect someone is to …