Tag: yourself

Feelings Let go Move on Yourself

Trust what you feel & follow your instincts

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servants and has forgotten the gifts. ~ Albert Einstein This statement refers more to that “gut feeling”, the “red flags” that have no “reasonable basis in fact” that too often …
Attitude Yourself

Never sacrifice your class

Never sacrifice your principles. Always take a higher level, never step down. Be true to yourself. Good hates ugly. Do the right things. My dad used to always tell me to be the bigger person. I so understand that statement now. ~ Cherie Mcguire  I used to work for someone that …
Lesson Learned Yourself

Learn to be alone & like your own company

The vast majority of people in the world are only in relationships because they are terrified of being alone. I like being alone, at least there’s no one else to complicate things, my life is enough of a battle as it is. ~ Nadeem Zafar  So many people are with the …