Thoughts Yourself

Don’t criticizing yourself for years

Don't criticizing yourself for years

All of us have gotten stuck in this trap at some point of our lives & maybe still are. We are precious and valuable. ~ Debbie Thomforde 

When you start loving yourself, everything changes. Just notice when you start to get negative, STOP. ~ Gerene Schendel 

As a coach, I work with clients on this all the time and most times they are not even aware of the negative messages they are sending themselves. Begin to notice the negativity you communicate to yourself on a daily basis – and take steps to eradicate. (And if you need help consider getting a coach.) Because the bottom line is it’s next to impossible to feel good and to achieve positive things – if, on a daily basis, the messages you regularly hear from the individual whose opinion matters the most are toxic and limiting. ~ D Anthony 

Society makes one think this way. Unfortunately are treated wrongly for doing “rightly”. God Bless them, as their time will come and those who are “rightly” will be rewarded. ~ Martin Nustad 

I criticized myself for years because those around me were critical. Once I learned to let go of them, I was able to free myself of the negativity. ~ Debbie Thomforde 

I need to approve of myself more. ~ Maria Liotis 

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