Happiness Life Peace

Don’t wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead

Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead

When you think about how fast the years have already flown by, when you have less in front than behind. Time waits for no one. 

Sometimes it is hard to let go what happened in the past and sometimes we worry about the future. The past is already gone and the future may not come. So learn to enjoy the present moment no matter you are doing. ~ Rina Ilmar 

I have learned to enjoy each day that I have been given. There is always something that gives me joy. Each day for me is numbered. I don’t count the days anymore. I just deal with whatever is given to me and move on. Pass along your happiness, even a kind word will soften someone’s heart. Always say thank you. It will make the effort someone gave worthwhile. ~ Doris Lilly 

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