Tag: acceptance

Care Kindness Mistakes

Don’t ever mistake my kindness for weakness

Don’t ever mistake a wink from me for friendliness. I might have just cringed when I was unfortunate to look at you. ~ Diane Nolasco  Unfortunately some people will just cross the line, mainly with kind, calm quiet people, so I’ve learnt to practice ‘tough love’, in order to 1. Protect …
Good Gratitude

You need to forget what’s gone in life

You need to forget what’s gone in life… Stay positive with yourself. We all have had some type of hardship, but we made it and keep making it each day becoming stronger than we were. ~ Stella Parrot You have to be positive in order to bring the best things …
Pain Peace

Close the doors that caused you pain & suffering

Close door of your past forever and never looking back! Sometimes we must also learn to break off the relationships that have a wrong influence on us, and begin to cultivate friends who will encourage us and set us a good example. When they just come around when they want some …