Tag: lesson learned

Change Lesson Learned Life

We all face stormy times in our Lives

Nobody can be immune to stormy situations in life. Most of the times these situations arise unexpectedly giving you little time to handle them. The way you handle them differentiates ordinary man from the real fighter. It also teaches you lessons of life which prove handy to handle future storms. …
Inspiration Lesson Learned Yourself

When nobody else compliments you

I learned by necessity the skill of taking care of and encouraging myself. It’s great when others are there for you, but sometimes they aren’t. ~ Kathi Kopacz    It’s important to not only encourage yourself, but appreciate yourself and others. Treating yourself as a friend and showing yourself love and …
Lesson Learned Relationship

Why many relationships end?

The difference between the love and lust. In a relationship, you have to keep it interesting, do different things, your partner is your best friend, you have to have trust, communication, honesty, take the bad be the good no matter what. ~ Terri Pfeiffer  They also end because people give up …