Tag: move on


Sometimes you have to lose yourself

Life is always moving forward so just know that every second is different. Good news is bad things are only temporary. So as long as we learn to keep rolling we will get where we need to. ~ Garyand Rohn  You find yourself in pieces. You collect them and discover that …
Let go Move on

Just know you are better & walk away

If a person comes at you with unkind words, let them finish ranting, then says “do you feel better now that you got that off your chest” or an argument that you know you are right. “I refuse to have words with an unarmed person”, if you ate being called …
Let go Move on

If you don’t like where you are, MOVE

You can always move. If you don’t like where you live. Move. If you don’t like HOW you live. Move. If you don’t move……it’s a choice. If you choose not to move, then there’s something about the position you’ve chosen that you like ( at some level.) ~ Margot Grissom    …