Tag: wrong

Gratitude Life

When some things go wrong in life

Lots of us spend too much time looking at what’s wrong. Spend more time looking for good you will find it! Several groups of friends invited me to be with them; one person treated me like I don’t exist. That hurt so much, but why focus on that one? So …
Forgiveness Heart Kindness

Kind hearted people have beautiful hearts

Kind hearted people also have strong minds, brave hearts and incredible resilience. The problem is those people are all the most of time mistreated and people saw them as a weak person. Kind people can’t revenge because their sweet heart so what they have to do to feel better towards what people …
People Relationship

The loneliest thing in the world

Being surround by people that don’t think you are worthy of a greeting or a kind word is pretty lonely as well. We all matter. Be sure your actions don’t shut someone out. ~ Jana Themom  Being alone and being lonely are 2 different things. Some people are happier when they …