Thoughts Wisdom

What money can’t buy?

What money can't buy?

Health is the most important that money can’t buy. 

Money buys what you need but not happiness and certainly not love. ~ Patricia Webster

Real treasures not in this world, where everything is temporary. Seek the real treasure which is eternal.

If you have love in your life take care of it, don’t take it for granted. Love is something money will never buy. ~ Debbie Rennie 

If one creates abundance in one’s heart, one becomes wealthy in all things (happiness, love and physical wealth) It’s all a choice lack or abundance. We are what we focus on. If one can believe it in their mind and then it reaches their heart anything can happen. So money does help along the way with happiness it gives choice. ~ Stuart Karen

I have so many, many blessings. Wonderful family and friends whom I love dearly, a profession that I adore, and good health. Money can’t buy any of those blessings. Thank you, Lord. ~ Maryanne Brown 

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