Category: Love

Dreams Love People

Sensitive people suffer more

There is nothing wrong in being sensitive. After all God has made us human! What’s the difference between human and animals if we don’t have emotion and are not sensitive to the world. I like sensitive people, they feel more though they also hurt deeper but basically they love and …
Love Relationship

The most desired gift of love

Gifts mean nothing, just spending time together is the best gift ever. You can spend time with someone but if they don’t pay attention to you then your both wasting time. How do you learn to love or like someone if you don’t pay attention. Know what makes them smile, …
Love Trust

True love is always worth the wait

I just got back with my first love after finding each other again after 11 years apart and in different provinces. True love never dies! ~ Rachel Poirier  Some people are just destined to be together. No matter the amount of time that may go by or the distance. The universe …