Category: Love

Belief Love

Don’t believe those who tell you they love you

Anyone can say they love you. Actions definitely speak louder then words. Those who show they do and those who say I love you are similar in perpendicular term. Nothing more Nothing less. Next if you do and love you, is the walking in the aisle of the church and …
Love Yourself

In the end you will know who really love you

When things get hard you find out what people are really like. ~ Pam Elms  When you are going through hard times, you will know who actually cares for you. We should take the risk to be real and let others in. I have found the world is full of amazing …
Feelings Love

Love isn’t about how you feel

Same situation & same actions. Words are just the beginning of hurt. Love is indeed a verb and is never a noun. There is a certain kind of feeling when you see an older couple being affectionate. That is Love! To just say that I love you is easy but …
Happiness Love

When you know it’s love?

The happiness of the one you love is the thing that matters most. If you are able to do so, it means that you are not selfish and therefore such person is priceless and true hearted. ~ Timo Tadial