Category: Trust

Care Love Relationship Trust

How far Love can travel?

The far from eye the nearest to the heart. The greater the distance the greater the love. Love is unlimited. Love is what feels like heaven in the midst of everything else. If two people want to be together, no such thing (distance) can keep them apart. That is if they …
People Time Trust

A person’s actions will reveal everything

The mouth can say anything. Actions speak truth. Words reveal the heart but even more does the actions. ~ Pam Kilpatrick  Words not in line with actions = lack of integrity/ lack of trustworthiness. No need to analyze words. Observe the actions, they speak the truth. ~ Pam Kilpatrick  The first time …
Friendship Relationship Trust

All bonds are built on Trust

Without trust you have nothing. It’s not even worth fighting for when the lies just keep on coming. Without trust is a waste of time and effort to hold on to any kind of relationship. Love, Trust and Respect are all vital Elements of a good and healthy Friendship or …
Heart Hurt Pain Relationship Trust Yourself

Good relationships feel good

A friend or a relationship should always be positive and supportive and not bring you down with negativity. In any relationships there are still challenges that you have to deal with to help you grow. Value yourself and much as you do the friends you surround yourself with. ~ Margaret Potvin  …