Care Love Relationship

Someone who would drive 3 hours just to see you for one

Someone who would drive 3 hours just to see you for one

I used to do this a couple of times every week to see a friend. Drive one hour to get to her house. Catch up for 30 minutes then drive 2 hours in traffic to get back home. It was worth it at the time. When you really love and care about someone, no distance is too far. You find a way and make the effort to spend time with them. ~ Jessica Dung 

11 years ago I met someone who did drive 2 hours after working hard all week just to spend the weekend with me. We are still together today. ~ Teresa Bidewell 

That’s how my Love Story began 15 years ago. Forged with love that has been tested beyond explanation for endurance and not failed yet. Lifetime marriages do exist, it takes commitment from both and two humble willing hearts to walk the marathon journey. The wisdom knowing life will be full of happiness and disappointment. Yet the perseverance to stand as one through their journey will be rewarded with memories that far exceed the good times and the bad and leave a legacy their children are proud to have inherited. ~ Karen Dean West 

A few years ago I traveled halfway around the world to be with my girlfriend again. Much has changed since then but honestly when you done some traveling in your time a few hours drive is nothing and one of the most precious things you can give someone is your time. ~ Wayne Gulwell 

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