Tag: people

People Time

Stop trying to open doors for people

Stop trying to open doors for people… Do not allow toxic and negative people in your life. They won’t allow you to live or die. They may spoil your life. When one door closes another will open. When the first door closed it was for our good reminder. Tomorrow is …
Happiness People

The power of saying NO to some people

The power of saying NO to some people… Sometimes you just gotta say no; I think that you have to do that even when it’s a family member, Daughter, or Son. ~ Donna Frey  Saying no to your loved family members and truly good friends is the hardest. They will …
Dreams Love People

Sensitive people suffer more

Sensitive people suffer more – Wisdom Life Quotes Sensitive people suffer more, but they love more and dream more. Sensitive people feel life! No point to live in this life if you don’t feel like life. I’m sensitive! & I’ve decided I’m not changing! I changed for other people before …