Tag: smile

Life Smile

Always find a reason to laugh

Makes our heart healthier! So let’s all LAUGH OUT LOUD! It may in fact add years to your life by reducing stress. Inner happiness helps in the outer looks of one’s body. Any moods can change in the sudden change of attitude, but what makes us always happy is when …
Good Mind Peace Smile

Two Best Cures for anything

One day without laugh is poor, one night without good sleep is the loss. If you get a good nights sleep you will get up refreshed and ready to face the rest of your problems you couldn’t solve yesterday because of fatigue or whatever the word is for it. ~ Daniel …
Care Life Smile

People who genuinely care about you

Better to be alone than being surrounded by those who demean and make a joke out of you. I prefer my loneliness over them. ~ Cahn Chisim  You don’t want people in your life who make your life stressful, insult you and make you feel as if you are nothing. So …