Tag: smile

Heart People Smile Yourself

No matter what people think of you

Whatever other says or thinks about you, that needn’t need to be your life’s reality but it does matter, what you says or think about yourself as it determines your quality of life. If any negative toxic people has problem with your good quality of life then no need to …
Gratitude Happiness Smile

Be Happy with the little you have

Always Learn To Appreciate the Simple Things In Life. The Best Things In Life Are Simple & Priceless. The Air We Breathe, the Wonderful & Amazing Friends that We Have. Our Amazing Family Circle. Also, the Gift of BLESSED Life. Our BLESSED & Good Health. Our Free WILL. ~ Clifford …
Choice Happiness Life Smile Yourself

Be Happy ! Be who you want to be

Happiness is a state of mind and not related to material possessions , fame or family environment. Being happy is a matter of choice and requires attitude of happiness irrespective of circumstances. Don’t change this attitude by being affected by people surrounding you who if not happy want to drag …
Happiness People Smile

Some people who still manage to smile

You don’t need things to make you happy, if you think you do, your looking in the wrong place for happiness. Being happy because bad things are happening to other people is a false equivalence and honestly, makes you a bad person. You should feel sad that those people are …