Tag: yourself

Forgiveness Heart

Those who betrayed you in your life

Good heart doesn’t see the bad. You see bad when you are willing to do bad.   What do they say love is blind, they forgot deaf and dumb too. Hey I speak for myself. ~ Cindi Graham    We never see anything wrong because we never have any doubts when …
Care Hurt Life Yourself

Some people will hate everything about you

Don’t be tired of being yourself. Let them get tired of kicking you.   Those people who judge, think they’re perfect, THEY ARE NOT!   It’s great to find the real you. My life’s been a journey but a fantastic learning process and I wouldn’t change me, why should I. …
Inspiration Lesson Learned Yourself

When nobody else compliments you

I learned by necessity the skill of taking care of and encouraging myself. It’s great when others are there for you, but sometimes they aren’t. ~ Kathi Kopacz    It’s important to not only encourage yourself, but appreciate yourself and others. Treating yourself as a friend and showing yourself love and …
Feelings Lesson Learned Mistakes

Life is about finding special people

Time heals and experience teaches that the secret of happiness is in service to others. ~ Feyza Kondu    Certain people may never change. Pray for patience, tolerance and acceptance.   Trust is something that is earned, people can say trust me and once you let your guard down they take …