Tag: yourself


Eight ways to rebuilding your Life

I am really blessed with some amazing friends who lift me up. If your friends aren’t there when your down you might want to make some changes. ~ Janis East    You must find your passions and surround yourself with people who are heading in the same direction as you. ~ Allie …
Relationship Yourself

I’ve been single for awhile

I must say in the land of Singletown I am DA BOMB! Loving and living life is amazing, especially when you know the difference between being alone and happy, or settling and living with a douche-bag who makes you feel lonely. I will pick alone every time! ~ Melanie Rahn  It matters …
Gratitude Yourself

Things to give up in our life

Definitely good things to keep in mind, but nobody is perfect. If we find that we’re complaining or showing self-doubt, we can’t beat ourselves up for it. We need to be kind to ourselves, realize that we’ve done it and continue to love ourselves as best we can. ~ Aletha Wild  …