Friendship Life

Friendship is about who walked into your Life

Friendship is about who walked into your Life

A real friend is the one who knows you best,and always present when you are in need.

Friendship is a Rainbow between Two Hearts sharing 7 colours : Love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, respect and secrets.

Those who walk beside you are the ones who love you the most. They are there for you through it all. Good and Bad!

Some of us were always there for certain people no matter what is going on in our life, only to be left behind time and time again when the person we stood by gets back on their feet or doesn’t need us anymore. There’a a difference in being there for somebody because you love them and being used by them because they know you love them. Just because you finally say enough is enough does not mean you weren’t there in the past, it just means you aren’t going to be hurt or used anymore by that person. Length of time becomes a factor when they’ve stood by that person the longest but is being replaced by the latest conquest and lies are being told to ease guilt of wrong-doing. ~ Tammy Kalkouli 

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