Care Good Heart Relationship

It’s better to have nobody

It's better to have nobody

It’s better to be yourself and have no friends than to be like your friends and have no self.

Don’t do it. If he’s not into you, doesn’t respect you, make time for you. Move on! Don’t waste your time.

It really affects your self-esteem and confidence when you intuitively/instinctually know that someone is physically with you but mentally/spiritually/emotionally somewhere else. It makes you feel unworthy inside until you wake up one day and say I am worthy of so much better and walk out and trust me being on your own for awhile feels a lot better. When you are bold enough to say goodbye knowing you deserve better you are opening yourself up to many new hello’s. One door closes and many more open. ~ Maxine Pepper 

Life is like that truth is everyone one is alone. We came alone and go alone. You have to help your self don’t rely on anyone only person can rely on is God and he will never turn you down if we can call him from the heart.

You always have God with you, so your not alone, don’t let anyone get you down, he’s not worth your happiness. There is a lot more fish in the sea. ~ Barbara Conklin 

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