Belief Let go Move on

One day you will be at the place you always wanted to be


Keep moving forward. However when you get to where you want to be, you will want to be somewhere else eventually. So that place you want to be is now, because tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. But never stop trying to improve yourself, no matter where you are on your life journey. ~ Crystal Silver 

Bad things happen to us all the time – it is how we respond to them that makes the difference. Life sucks at times, but since no one makes it out alive, we have to appreciate the precious little time we have. ~ Kathi Nenni 

Keep thinking what you’re thinking and you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. My attitude toward people, places and things has changed so I can now discern what crap is and can avoid it. If I can do it so can you, now that’s positive thinking! ~ Kathy Ross

Satisfaction is a weak persons goal, the strong gain strength from the knowledge that every goal achieved is a platform for the next goal. That’s why billionaires don’t get bored & commit suicide. ~ Eddie Arvelo 

When you have to move the mountains, begin by moving a small pebble. When you have to change the world, begin by changing yourself. Start small, be consistent and keep believing in yourself & your dreams and soon enough you’d be at your destination.


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