Positive Thoughts

Positive people also have negative thoughts

Positive people also have negative thoughts

Your positive faith will manifest a wonderful future for you!

Your negative words are determining your future. I am getting divorced this week from a man I love but who is a full blown alcoholic. I don’t have a job. My son has moderate retardation meaning. His IQ won’t get him past a 7 year old mentally. I don’t get any help for, no government agency or anyone else by the way. You know what? Better is on it’s way. I KNOW IT IS. ~ Lori Knight 

You need to get some bad people out of your life and learn to mediated more. Get in a place of silence. Get all worldly crap out and meditate on the positive. Watch some youtube video that are relaxing and positive. Learn to release your pain so you can let the good in. You can do it! ~ Lori Knight 


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