Let go Life Move on People

Sometimes, you have to Let people go

Sometimes, you have to Let people go

Sometimes it has nothing to do with taking. Sometimes, it’s the judging, the criticism and the hurt they bring to your life.

Trouble is you don’t realize this at the time. You are too happy giving and giving to the one you love and think loves you. You only realize after it is over, how much she drained from you. ~ Ed Skinner 

Misery loves company. So there will always be someone trying to take you down with them or just bring you down mostly because the can’t stand to see how happiness looks on you. ~ Kathy Dudley 

Let go of the people who treat you unfairly because the more you stick with them the more they will going to take advantage of you. Be with the people who really appreciate you instead. ~ Lene Bondoc 

You most definitely have to let this kind of person go. They will bring you down so far, they will take and take from you and give nothing in return; once you finally break loose from them,you will see how good you will begin to feel. It doesnt happen over night, but believe me you will start to feel better about yourself, away from them. ~ Florence Stackhouse 

Sometimes letting them go doesn’t mean abandoning a friendship or love; it may just mean resetting the lines and limits of the relationship, not allowing them to overwhelm and drown you. Sometimes it’s just fine to say, “No more.” It is possible to be loving and kind yet firm and definitive at the same time. ~ Allison Morrison 

I got rid of my anchor, now my head is at least above water. Praise the lord! He’s the one who saved me. ~ Florence Stackhouse 

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