Tag: wrong

Positive Thoughts Yourself

Being surrounded by wrong people

I spent years trying to fit in with people and situations that didn’t get/understand me. Leaving them behind was quite liberating am now discovering and understanding myself better and I’m attracting more people of a similar frequency on my path. I am sure in time I’ll find my own kind. …
Life Wisdom

When the right things starts happening in your life

There are wrong people. Abusers, whether they are emotional, physical or sexual. I personally do not feel they have anything positive to teach you, other than needing years of therapy afterwards, then you can share your wisdom to help someone else who maybe going through the same misery/despair you went …
Gratitude Strength

Give thanks today for those who did you wrong

Keep in mind, without them doing you wrong, you would have never developed and discovered your strengths. It takes struggle and adversity to get that. So in essence we do. Otherwise you would have never grown into the strong person you are today. ~ Brigitte Nicole Those who do wrong …