Category: Inspiration

Inspiration Lesson Learned

If you keep blaming everyone else

It’s a process, of discovery. There are hidden wounds and insights about the past that are extremely helpful to know before you discard the past that help launch you forward. It seems blame comes before understanding in our maturity tangle. This is an exciting step in the process, very freeing! …
Inspiration Lesson Learned Yourself

When nobody else compliments you

I learned by necessity the skill of taking care of and encouraging myself. It’s great when others are there for you, but sometimes they aren’t. ~ Kathi Kopacz    It’s important to not only encourage yourself, but appreciate yourself and others. Treating yourself as a friend and showing yourself love and …
Inspiration People

When you start seeing your worth

Why please others if they didn’t know your worth. Move on!   Better live alone than suffer everyday with someone who is not worth your attention.   The problem is that during your working years, much of your temperament is based on what kind of boss you work for. I …