Category: Love

Care Love Time

The Greatest Gift you can give someone

60% give, 40% take. In a good relationship, that means 40% give, 40% take, and 20% give together. ~ Kevin Bowman  Your gift in return is the good feeling of helping someone. You can’t control the recipients level of appreciation, but you can feel awesome about your gift. Its up to …
Love Yourself

You don’t need to be accepted by others

You don’t need to do things that are pleasant to everyone as long as you did what you can. You cannot give what you do not have. It’s not all about on the outside appearance. Happiness is beauty. ~ Enuhj Leinad  Accepting yourself and how you look is the toughest thing. …
Friendship Love People Relationship

People that are meant to be together

No matter how many times people try to break us up, we will always find each other. ~ Cassie Nyati  Soul mates gravitate towards each other. Time, distance and circumstances notwithstanding. If you’re destined for one another, it will come to pass regardless because destiny decrees it so. Call it the …