Category: Time

Care Mistakes Relationship Time

Why most relationships fail?

Too much time talking about each other and not to each other. Most relationships also fail because one person is spending too much time enjoying the company of someone else. ~ Laura Thibault  In order for any relationship to work we have got to love the strengths and accept the weaknesses. …
Change Good Life Past Time

The past is gone and cannot be changed

Letting go of past will move us forward in a brighter successful life ahead. The past has already let go of you, so why not. Eyes forward and walk on folks. ~ David Velasquez  You can’t move forward while looking over your shoulder. Don’t live in the past, and don’t try …
People Time Trust

A person’s actions will reveal everything

The mouth can say anything. Actions speak truth. Words reveal the heart but even more does the actions. ~ Pam Kilpatrick  Words not in line with actions = lack of integrity/ lack of trustworthiness. No need to analyze words. Observe the actions, they speak the truth. ~ Pam Kilpatrick  The first time …