Tag: life

Dreams Life

Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream

Follow your dreams and you just may find the happiness that you have always been looking for.  When people don’t see what you see, don’t waste your time convincing. They will see when they are ready to see. ~ Brenda Mullard  Sometimes others can’t understand your dreams. They might even question …
Life Smile

Always find a reason to laugh

Makes our heart healthier! So let’s all LAUGH OUT LOUD! It may in fact add years to your life by reducing stress. Inner happiness helps in the outer looks of one’s body. Any moods can change in the sudden change of attitude, but what makes us always happy is when …
Life Strength

Why you were given this life?

If you don’t tell yourself this to feel better you will believe what the world wants you to believe. Suicide is a choice and I can say that as a person that attempted just that. It was what others said that I allowed myself to believe that influenced me to …