Tag: life

Care Life Smile

People who genuinely care about you

Better to be alone than being surrounded by those who demean and make a joke out of you. I prefer my loneliness over them. ~ Cahn Chisim  You don’t want people in your life who make your life stressful, insult you and make you feel as if you are nothing. So …
Forgiveness Hurt Life

Holding on to anger only hurts you

Sometimes you have to forgive and forget. Forgive them for hurting you and forget that they exist. I forgave, but will never allow that person back in my life. I respect myself too much. ~ Donna Kelly You can let go, but some of the hurt is still there, especially when …
Life People Yourself

In the end people will judge you anyway

If someone takes it the wrong way let them. We know who we are. I always tell my son that only apologize if you are wrong. This area is the worst for that. ~ Patricia White  Don’t live to impress anyone. Many are unhappy with how they look and feel about …