Tag: yourself

Good People Yourself

When you distance yourself from negative people

Time to photoshop my life. Touch up the edges, adjust the tones, blur out the background focus on me & crop unwanted & negative people out.  Good things happen when you distance yourself from negative reactions! Negative people need to be influenced by positive people instead of the other way …
Good Life Yourself

It’s not necessary to try to impress anyone

Each stage of life we go through these phases and when you get older, you realize that it’s not about impressing anyone but just being you.  The freedom of not worrying about rumors, judgments placed upon you and not letting people’s opinions affect you. Just be the real you and …
Love Respect Yourself

If you aren’t being treated with Love & Respect

Remember anything created has a Creator, anything designed has a Designer. You are special and peculiar, you are damn precious to waste away. ~ Faith Udochi  Even if our price tags is high there are still mean people around us that ready to annoy and bully us. ~ Elsie Flores  I’ll never settle …
Love Yourself

In the end you will know who really love you

When things get hard you find out what people are really like. ~ Pam Elms  When you are going through hard times, you will know who actually cares for you. We should take the risk to be real and let others in. I have found the world is full of amazing …
Care Life Smile

People who genuinely care about you

Better to be alone than being surrounded by those who demean and make a joke out of you. I prefer my loneliness over them. ~ Cahn Chisim  You don’t want people in your life who make your life stressful, insult you and make you feel as if you are nothing. So …