Gratitude Happiness

Things we take for granted

Things we take for granted

Like tap water. Even in this day and age, many people still have to travel great distances just to get some drinking water. ~ Flora Garsain 

A shelter, a roof over your head, food in our stomachs, loving family and friends. ~ Fran Doremus

The whole world is struggling for some or the other reason. Some for basic needs, some for more and some have much more than they need and are still dissatisfied. Necessity for some and craze for others. Everyone is striving. ~ Surinder Sandhu 

I have experienced that so often myself. When I had neither a roof over my head, nor food on the table, nor clothes to wear, nor a friend by my side. People who have always had these things looked down on me for not having them – without lifting a finger to help. So I prayed. I learned one lesson through this – turn to God because people will always let you down. ~ Saara Becker

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