Faith Good Gratitude Life Positive Time

When life gives you every reason to be negative

When life gives you every reason to be negative

Nobody said life was going to be an easy journey and I have never seen a Birth Certificate with a Warranty written on it promising you a life of 100% happiness. So you do cherish the good times and you work hardest during the bad times, no matter how bad because it will not change the bad things that already have taken place, but if you have some faith (it doesn’t matter if it is religious or inner spiritual) then you can travel on down the road of life. Keep in mind that as challenging as a life may be it could always be worse = so always be thankful for what didn’t happen and look to the future. Negative thinking is a wasted use of your brain and emotions = if you are going to focus intensely on something you might as well do it positively otherwise you will just consume yourself for nothing. ~ Mike Phillips 

When you keep thinking negative thoughts, you are putting that out to the universe. So you will get negative results. Stay Positive!

Life is a journey of balance. No one remains in happiness for all times and nobody lives in sorrow for life. Everything has it’s own place in every person’s life.

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