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Love is not about possession

Love is not about possession

Don’t love someone who is beautiful, but love the one who can make your life beautiful.

A great lesson in happiness through the joy of freedom. Through moderation in and detachment from all that we love; in the non-permanence and transitional nature of our very existence. ~ Hashim El-Tinay 

The difference between a weed and a flower is: A flower grows and blooms with your permission. A weed grows and blooms no matter what you desire it to do or not. If you look with an appreciative eye there is no difference in them, only difference in your desires. ~ Bruce Berrigan 

Every living things in our universe is alive because of love energy, every plants, every flowers. Have the same energy as you & I. So live your life with the power of love because it’s source is infinite. ~ Moe Pezeshk 

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