Tag: grateful

Gratitude Happiness

Things we take for granted

Like tap water. Even in this day and age, many people still have to travel great distances just to get some drinking water. ~ Flora Garsain  A shelter, a roof over your head, food in our stomachs, loving family and friends. ~ Fran Doremus The whole world is struggling for some or …
Gratitude Life People

The people who are meant to be in your life

It’s almost bewildering, but we tend to feel a pull towards certain individuals; almost like your intuition tells you this person is important. ~ Shalena Gill  Strongest bond in the whole universe is the bond between two pure and loving hearts. If someone is made for you, he/she will find a …
Giving Gratitude

The worst person to be around

It’s our responsibility to surround ourselves with good, diverse and positive people who challenge us to be better. Continuous self betterment. ~ Julie King  It could be the best person to be around at that moment because it will remind me to be grateful and appreciative for what I have. Everyone …