Tag: grateful

God Gratitude

You have a lot to Thank God for

If we look around, we will find tons of things you can thank god for, if our health is good, some people are not and live with many disease. If our parents alive some people without parents etc. ~ Leila Mohammed  I always thank HIM for loving me. I may not …
Gratitude Happiness Smile

Be Happy with the little you have

Always Learn To Appreciate the Simple Things In Life. The Best Things In Life Are Simple & Priceless. The Air We Breathe, the Wonderful & Amazing Friends that We Have. Our Amazing Family Circle. Also, the Gift of BLESSED Life. Our BLESSED & Good Health. Our Free WILL. ~ Clifford …
Gratitude Heart Relationship Wisdom

What Goodbyes make you think?

Every relationship after a certain period of time reaches a stage where We start to take one another for granted. This is especially true if you are together all the time. You tend to neglect small small things that nurture and keep the relationship healthy. One never realizes somebody’s worth …
Good Gratitude Life

Wake up each day & be Thankful for life

Life is a wonderful opportunity to dream , take whatever opportunities that come by and discover yourself and progress in life. You never know whether you shall get that chance again. Just being alive is the greatest asset. Don’t get troubled by little problems that life presents. Always remember there …
Gratitude Kindness

No matter how big your bank account is

Nothing is more important is your health when you are alive. To have this precious life we try to purify our soul to be loving kindness & compassion and to be kind to one another. ~ Gabriel Chiam  We all come with nothing and leave this world with nothing. It is …